Monkeys Are Always Funny

Friday, January 20, 2006

Glory Road - ***

The latest in a long line of inspirational sports flicks - think Hoosiers meets Remember the Titans - Glory Road does the genre proud. Based on the true story of the Texas Western Miners, the team that in 1966 became the first ever to win the NCAA Basketball Championship with an all-black starting lineup, the movie shoots and scores with a savvy blend of sports action social commentary.

Actually, it's far shorter on the latter than it could have been, since the movie essentially deals with the racism faced by the black players in a few quick scenes. But it gets the point across - and besides, this is a Disney/Jerry Bruckheimer collaboration, so if you go in looking for a Spike Lee Joint, you'll probably be disappointed. Everyone else, though, will appreciate Glory Road for what it is: A family-friendly movie about a group of young men and coach Don Haskins (Josh Lucas) who overcame large odds and larger obstacles on their way to one of the most improbable wins of all time. It all leads up to Texas Western's shocking upset over Kentucky (look for Jon Voight in a killer turn as good 'ol boy UK Coach Adolph Rupp) in the NCAA title game, a stirring finale to an uplifting story about a team that literally changed the face of college basketball and - more importantly - changed a lot of minds as well.


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