Monkeys Are Always Funny

Friday, May 12, 2006

You've Been Juiced

Apparently, O.J. Simpson is doing his own pay-per-view special version of Punked, only on "Juiced" instead of pulling practical jokes on people, he slits their throats.
No, not really. But the show is real, and check out this story about one of the hilarious "pranks," in which O.J. tries to sell a White Bronco at a used car lot and tells prospective buyers that "It was good for me. It helped me get away."
Oh, that O.J.
Seriously, how do you follow that? What's the next episode, O.J. in a Williams-Sonoma, trying to sell cutlery?
"Here, buy this butcher's knife. It's real good, man. It was good for me. It helped me kill my wife."
Oh, the story also says O.J. did the show for free. And if you believe that, man, you've been JUICED.


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