Monkeys Are Always Funny

Friday, April 21, 2006

Bob Saget is "Full" of (expletive deleted)

Despite the fact that I wasn't allowed to watch much TV during my formative years, I learned through osmosis that the show Full House pretty much sucked. There must be a window table in hell reserved for the people who created a show that forced the Olsen Twins upon an unsuspecting society while simultaneously unleashing the comic genius of Bob Saget, John Stamos and that third guy, the one who showed up on Skating with Celebrities and generally acted like a jackass. The Olsen Twins have gone on to provide endless tabloid fodder, while Stamos has become one of the go-t0 guys for failed TV shows and that third guy, well, I guess he laced up the figure skates.

As for Saget, he followed up his Full House career with a gig as the wise-cracking, endlessly unfunny host of America's Funniest Home Videos, on which he provided inane voiceovers for approximately 5 million groin shots. But over the past few years (when he's not making easy money for his voiceover work on the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, which is actually kind of funny), he has reinvented his comic image with an extremely foul-mouthed stand-up act. If you don't believe me, go out and rent The Aristocrats, the documentary about the dirtiest joke ever told in which Saget, I'm pretty sure, really does tell the dirtiest joke ever told. I mean, whoa. It'll blow your hair back. Personally, I like the trend of wholesome '80s-era TV stars reinventing themselves in edgy new personas. I can't wait for Urkel's gangsta rap album.

** Post-script: It's amazing what's out there. In searching for a photo of Bob Saget (or at least a photo that didn't show him flipping off the camera - see, I told you he was edgy) I came upon this website, created by some poor soul with way too much time on his hands.


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