Monkeys Are Always Funny

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Long Ball, Literally

Yes, that's Wade Boggs giving a postively Tiger-esque High Five* to Marty Barrett in that photo.

We all know about some other famous games they played in together, but I bet you didn't know that today marks the 25th anniversary of one that's not nearly as well-known, but nearly as noteworthy.

Quick. Which of the following happened in the game between the Rochester Red Wings and the Pawtucket Red Sox that began in Pawtucket on April 18, 1981?
A) One player aged a year before it was finished
B) Another player nearly got divorced because of it
C) A future sure-fire first ballot Hall of Famer (not Boggs) went 2 for 13. 2 for 13!
D) One player got absolutely "hammered" in the locker room
E) All of the above

If you picked E), well, you've probably already read the wonderful story about the Longest Professional Baseball Game Ever Played in today's Washington Post. If you haven't, you really should. It's a great read, penned by Dave Sheinen, one of my favorite Post scribes.

* Speaking of High Fives, Thursday is National High Five Day, and I plan on celebrating.


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