Monkeys Are Always Funny

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Over The Hedge, Animal Style

Apparently, a marauding gang of monkeys has been breaking into million dollar homes in the South African beach enclave of Cape Peninsula and, ahem, "clearing out pantries, emptying fridges, and defecating over the designer furnishings."

This is one of those situations involving monkeys that sounds horrifying if you picture it actually happening to you, but sounds downright hilarious if you imagine it as a Super Bowl ad. I choose to take the latter route, and so, apparently, does a South African named Jenni Trethowan. Jenni, you see, is a uniter, not a divider (No word on whether she is also a "decider"), and she had this to say about one of the baboon gang members/serial defecators called Quizzy: "He's the nicest baboon you could ever hope to meet. I love that baboon."

Methinks Jenni's tune might change if it were her designer furnishings on which Quizzy was defecating, but still. Read on here.


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