Monkeys Are Always Funny

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sports Babble-On: Peter Gammons

The first in a recurring series of posts in which I simply transcribe the nonsensical ramblings of a sports talking head. We start with ESPN's Peter Gammons, whose undeniable skill at finding interesting news and rumors about baseball is matched only by his utter ineptitude at coherently explaining them to viewers. Don't get me wrong - the guy is a great baseball writer, and his blog at is a must-read, but he often makes little or no sense when the cameras are rolling.
For instance, here is what he said a few minutes ago on Baseball Tonight. To give the following quote some context, the subject was Tampa Bay's Aubrey Huff, and whether the team might have waited to long to trade him.

Gammons: A six foot seven ... million dollars. Devil Rays had some teams interested last year. He had a pretty good season last - well, he got hurt, he's playing some third base. He's his bat has really been slow and it's that kinda kills the Devil Rays. And now really, when they go to trade - I mean, OK, they can trade Julio Lugo, he may end up with the Mets or someplace like that, most likely the Mets. But Huff is now basically going to be a giveaway.

Wait. Um. What? Is Aubrey Huff six foot seven? And what's with the sudden switch over to Julio Lugo? Betcha didn't see that one coming. Thankfully, by the end of his ramble, Gammons finally strings an actual sentence together and makes his intended point. I think. Unfortunately, by that point, even co-host and legendary nincompoop John Kruk was reduced to intermittently blinking in his direction and thinking "Man, this guy's dumber 'n I am."


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